24th December 1930
Liberty St. 364, Alabama St., USA
Dear Philip:
I hope everything is doing well at your side, because things here are getting a little better. My father saved money when he could and that way we have a third cow on our ranch now, we are very happy, because this is a good sign that we are doing well, my father bought a cow because there is a lack of milk in the town.
I don't know how is the rest of USA economically, because my mother is the one that listens the radio when she can, but at the town things are getting better again, I think if this town is getting better, the rest of the country can with a lot of effort, just like us.
We almost use the same clothes over and over again, the "fashion" we have is the same plain and boring one in the rest of Alabama, but I don't really care, as I don't need good clothes if I only go to school and work.
Looking forward to hearing you,
Matías Neuweiler
Friday, 11 November 2011
Third letter:
16th December 1930
Liberty St. 364, Alabama St., USA
Dear Philip:
It's been a while since last letter I sent you, since you already told me about your school, I want to tell you about my school and my friends, first of all I must tell you I barely go to school, which is the state school by the way, this is because my fathers don't let me go sometimes because they need my help in the house.
It's has nothing to do with your school, this one is small, bad, ugly, and we as students have barely any benefit of going, we are only seven students in my class, my best friend is Billy, a guy that is tall and blond, I don't know why there are only white people in my school, my fathers say that Negros have lots of diseases and they also say that they are dangerous, I don't see why.
I like play a lot with Billy when I have free time, because he lives almost in front of me.
Looking forward to hearing you,
Matías Neuweiler
Liberty St. 364, Alabama St., USA
Dear Philip:
It's been a while since last letter I sent you, since you already told me about your school, I want to tell you about my school and my friends, first of all I must tell you I barely go to school, which is the state school by the way, this is because my fathers don't let me go sometimes because they need my help in the house.
It's has nothing to do with your school, this one is small, bad, ugly, and we as students have barely any benefit of going, we are only seven students in my class, my best friend is Billy, a guy that is tall and blond, I don't know why there are only white people in my school, my fathers say that Negros have lots of diseases and they also say that they are dangerous, I don't see why.
I like play a lot with Billy when I have free time, because he lives almost in front of me.
Looking forward to hearing you,
Matías Neuweiler
Letter two:
16th September 1930
Liberty St. 364, Alabama St., USA
Dear Philip:
This time I'm writing you to tell you about my family, we really like to go hunting or fishing as a good family, we used to go more often before though, the Great Depression thing affected all USA, but especially Alabama, because there are lots of very poor families like us. We also like to go camping.
My family standard of living currently is very bad, the only good thing we have as a family is that the work of my father is self-dependante in the way he doesn't have a boss, I also work with him a lot of times, mainly because as I told you our economic situation isn't good at all, that way all my family needs to help for our living.
As you may know, my father works in our small ranch, selling corn and potatoes, which we also use to eat, also we have two cows, we use and sell milk from them. My mother helps my father when she can, but she also helps in the house by cooking, cleaning and other stuff.
Looking forward to hearing you,
Matías Neuweiler
Liberty St. 364, Alabama St., USA
Dear Philip:
This time I'm writing you to tell you about my family, we really like to go hunting or fishing as a good family, we used to go more often before though, the Great Depression thing affected all USA, but especially Alabama, because there are lots of very poor families like us. We also like to go camping.
My family standard of living currently is very bad, the only good thing we have as a family is that the work of my father is self-dependante in the way he doesn't have a boss, I also work with him a lot of times, mainly because as I told you our economic situation isn't good at all, that way all my family needs to help for our living.
As you may know, my father works in our small ranch, selling corn and potatoes, which we also use to eat, also we have two cows, we use and sell milk from them. My mother helps my father when she can, but she also helps in the house by cooking, cleaning and other stuff.
Looking forward to hearing you,
Matías Neuweiler
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Living in the 1930's, first letter: (Graded one)

August 11th of 1930
Liberty St. 364, Alabama St., USA
Dear Philip,
I want to tell you how my life is going, as we don't talk since a while, we aren't in a good economic situation at all, my father is having trouble with his work, because there was a plague during last months that affected his cows and plantations, so the milk production went down, and we are surviving with the effort of my parents and my brother. We had to move to other ranch which is made of pure pine wood, which is the worst material round here, it is a very small house comapred to the one we had before. The ranch is much samller also, and because of that our new house had to be smaller than the one before, because the plantations and space for cows are more important, if we don't care of those aspects, the producion will be lower, and we won't win the same.
This thing of economical crisis also affected us and the rest of the neighborhood a lot, and it is another reason why we sell less potatoes and corn, along with milk, people doesn't have the same amount of money they had before, many people lost everything with the crisis, and they try to recover the things they lost by saving money instead of having the same demand they had before for food. Our house is one of the most simple ones in the surroundings, but the terrain is one of the biggest, as we work and sleep on this place, we need to take care of the balance between our house and the work.
The image I am sending is our new ranch, as you can see it may not be a very small terrain but notice the materials of everything, and as you can also see almost everything is just soil, there are almost no plantations, at the very back in the middle you can see one of our two cows.
Looking forward to hearing you,
Matías Neuweiler
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Podcast about TKM
On the following podcast I answer the questions that were made to me:
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Short story task
Last week I arrived from New Zealand, do you want to know why I was there? I was on an exchange program, yes, for three weeks! Now listen my experience briefly. Yt was there, on the 19th of may of the 2011, on The Mackay School in Viña del Mar, waiting for the bus that was going to take me, other 9 classmates and Mr. German Letelier to the airpot in Santiago. Y wonder how was Mr. Letelier feeling because of the trip, as he was going with 10 boys of his school for almost a month, on a place he had never been. And the bus arrived. The goodbye with your family and off we go, destination Wellingotn, New Zealand. It was a strange feeling, for first time I was going outside of the continent without any family member, going to a family I had never been before in my life.
Friday, 6 May 2011
New technology texts.
The technology texts mainly used and the most important ones are three:
1.- Websites
2.- E-mail
3.- Text messages
1.- Websites
2.- E-mail
3.- Text messages
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Text C
>>JillyB >>>how have the holidays been treating everyone?
>>>lots of lounging about i trust.
>>Lounging and some blowing-of-the-gift-money shopping today.And
>>I don't have to be back at work until January 5!
Geoff >I am doing the very same! I got a new BOOK! Off to read it!
>Jimbo, What day you wanna hang out? Tues, Wed or Thurs? Not
free Fri or Sat or Sun!!!
When analizing this text, the use of language is clearly a non standard one, I found that there is a phonetic spelling in the word "wanna", because it actually means want to. The words Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun are shortened words, as those are abriviations of the days of the week. There are also grammatical compressions, because in the text some puntuation marks are omitted.
>>>lots of lounging about i trust.
>>Lounging and some blowing-of-the-gift-money shopping today.And
>>I don't have to be back at work until January 5!
>Jimbo, What day you wanna hang out? Tues, Wed or Thurs? Not
free Fri or Sat or Sun!!!
When analizing this text, the use of language is clearly a non standard one, I found that there is a phonetic spelling in the word "wanna", because it actually means want to. The words Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun are shortened words, as those are abriviations of the days of the week. There are also grammatical compressions, because in the text some puntuation marks are omitted.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
The postmodernism term was first used in 1870, it is a movement away from the viewpoint of modernism, it is a broad term used to describe movements in a wide range of disciplines, including art, philosophy, critical theory, and music. The word "postmodern" has been used so widely as to strip it of much of its meaning. Nonetheless, the majority of times postmodern is applied it indicates one of a smaller handful of meanings.
The postmodernism period was a time of changes mainly, and as I said before, of movements, these movements are understood as cultural projects or as a set of perspectives, the postmodernism rejected the modernism. Most importantly we see the dissolution of distinctions, the merging of subject and object, self and other. In the creative disciplines, such as painting, literature, music, and sculpture, postmodernism tends to lean heavily on using forms not traditionally perceived as artistic.
The modernism was a time of the modern science, about the thechnology and the progress. We have to know that the postmodernism is in every part of the Earth, everybody is an example of postmodernism, because people opine through different perspectives and directions.
The postmodernism period was a time of changes mainly, and as I said before, of movements, these movements are understood as cultural projects or as a set of perspectives, the postmodernism rejected the modernism. Most importantly we see the dissolution of distinctions, the merging of subject and object, self and other. In the creative disciplines, such as painting, literature, music, and sculpture, postmodernism tends to lean heavily on using forms not traditionally perceived as artistic.
The modernism was a time of the modern science, about the thechnology and the progress. We have to know that the postmodernism is in every part of the Earth, everybody is an example of postmodernism, because people opine through different perspectives and directions.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
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