In this chapter, the protagonists tell us about Buchenwald concentration camp, what are his feelings, emotions, and thoughts about his experience in this conentration camp. Basically he is not feeling anything, he says that "Cold, damp, wind, or rain were no longer able to bother me, they did not get through to me, I did not even sense them." This can be explained because he suffered too much before to sense anything now, he already felt everything he could have felt to feel anything now, he also states that he found peace and tranquility inside the camp, reffering that what he is living inside the concentration camp is much better than what he lived outside of it. He also explains that the smell of quimicals can be smelled in some tubes and parts of the camp, he talks about the ways jews die inside the camp, that there are many ways to die. He talks that people inside the camp have a lot of injuries, broken arms, legs, amputation of some parts of the body, etc., because they were treated very bad.
To finish the chapter, the proteganist says a really ironic and important thing, that is "I could not fail to recognize within myself the furtive and yet-ashamed as it might be, so to say, of its irrationality-increasingly insistent voice of some muffled craving of sorts: I would like to like to live a little bit longer in this beautiful concentration camp". This quote explains more or lees everything the protegonist feels, it means that eventhough he is suffering and treated bad, eating almost nothing, and in the end living in very poor conditions, sometimes he thinks that he still want to live, in the concentration camp, a little longer, because as he stated before he doesn't feels anything.
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