Friday, 16 November 2012
Biofuels image analisis
• What do you notice first about this image and why?
In this image what I first noticed is that we must act, the Earth is going to die faster than we expect and this images simbolizes that. I also noticed that the image is from the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), an this is also important to analize the picture as it gives you a guide on what is the message of the picture and what is it going to be appealed in it.
• What emotions are present?
Maybe desolation, as the Earth is being affected by all humans and nothing is changing, it is getting worse every different day.
• What is the situation? What is happening?
A native forest with the form of two lungs is loosing trees, slowly umans are cutting those trees and when all the trees dissapear the Earth will die along with the humanity.
• What is the setting (place and time)?
A native forest in the Earth, with the form of lungs, the day is cloudy, maybe it can be on winter, and the setting simbolizes perfectly what is being tried to explain.
• Does the picture contain any repetition, framing, or balancing (colours signaling something in particular)?
The setting is a great example, as it is on a cloudy day, and the gray may simbolize death, death for the planet and life.
• What message or theme does the picture seem to convey? What aspects of the picture make you think this? Is it supposed to speak for or against an issue?
In my opinion, this picture is trying to tell the viewers that the Earth is dying and the humans must do something in order to revert this situation. What made me think this is that there is a forest in form of human lungs, and there is a part of the forest that is dry or has no trees, and trees are a key part of human respiratory system. It is supposed to speak for actions in favour of the Earth, in terms of Global Warming issues, there must be something to do to revert the curent situation. But, it also appeals against an issue, and this issue is the actions made by humans that made the Earth suffer this, and it is getting worse every day that goes by.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Nature vs Nurture activity
I’m in favor of any means that allows a woman to have children, and not just for those who are too late to conceive naturally. There are lots of young women who can't have a baby and perhaps for them it's even harder..SOURCE: DEUTSCHE WELLE 2012-11-02 14:45:00
• What do you notice first about this image and why?
A couple just left pavillion with their babies that theywere just born
• Who are the people in this image? What emotions are present?
A couple, they are happy
• What is the situation? What is happening?
Their babies were born or they decided to adopt babies because they couldn't have one.
• What is the setting (place and time)?
They are in a hospital by day.
• Does the picture contain any repetition, framing, or balancing (colours signaling something in particular)?
It has the symbolism of a family, a family that is getting stronger and having new members.
• What message or theme does the picture seem to convey? What aspects of the picture make you think this? Is it supposed to speak for or against an issue?
They are in favour of getting babies by any mean apart from the natural way, as the quote says, the photo is trying to show a family that is getting new members and growing up.
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Play Reading Summary Form (Guide)
Title: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Author: William Shakespeare
Date: Between 1590 and 1596
Period/Style/Genre: Comedy
Number of Characters: 17 (Theseus, Hippolyta, Philostrate, Lysander, Demetrius, Hermia, Helena, Quince, Lords and Attendants, Pyramus, Thisbe, Wall, Moonshine, Lion, Oberon, Titania and Puck)
Setting: Athens, the palace of Theseus
Character Name Age Gender Other
Theseus 25 M Duke of Athens
Hippolyta 23 F Queen of Amazons
Philostrate 40 M Master of the Revels
Lysander 18 M In love with Hermia
Demetrius 19 M In love with Helena
Hermia 17 F In love with Lysander
Helena 18 F In love with Demetrius
Quince 33 M Carpenter Oberon 45 M King of fairies
Titania 38 F Queen of fairies
Puck 24 M Possible protagonist
Act V, scene i
The scene starts at the palace of Theseus, where he is telling the story of the magical misventures of last night to Hippolyta (which of course, the Athenian youths told him). Although Theseus is speaking about the story, he doesn't believe it; concerning that is an interesting story but for the imagination only. However, there is a suspicion of the story's truthfulness by his wife, mainly because all the story of the people that fell in love are the same.
The youths return to the castle, being recieved nicely by the duke of Athens, stating that before going to sleep the guests should make a perfomance. Then he calls Philostrate to read him a list of plays to choose, but find all of the plays unacceptable. Philostrate then tries to warn the duke and tells him of the Pyramus and Thisbe story, which the craftsmen have prepared; saying that it is terrible, so he suggests strongly not to see it. Theseus, not listening to the suggestions, states that no matter how poor the perfomances are; there is merit in the dutiful attitude of the craftsmen, so he will see it.
The audience sits down and wait, and Quince enters stage to present a prologue to the play while he hesitates. Making strange pauses, the combination of sentences that he makes have no sense at all, leaving the audience questioning themselves. The other actors enter after this, playing the roles of Wall and Moonshine. They act out a awkward version of the story, during which the nobles joke among themselves about the strange speeches and bad acting. Bottom, in particular, makes many messy statements while playing his role. Pyramus and Thisbe meet at, and speak across, the actor playing Wall, who holds up his fingers to indicate a chink. Snug enters with the role of a lion, but then talk to the ladies and thell them that he actually wasn't a lion. He roars, scaring Thisbe away, and then rends her mantle. Because of finding the the bloody mantle, Pyramus commits suicide. Thisbe commits it too when finding Pyramus dead. Right after the play ended, time in which Bottom pretends to kill himself, Bottom asks to the audience if they would like an a bergamask dance or epilogue; Theseus replies that they will see the dance . Bottom and Flute makes the dance,and after that the full casting goes to sleep.
Special Notes
This chapter actually has an epilogue that isn't mentioned on many versions of the book, in which the fairies enter the palace and sing a magical song that makes each lover true to each other, and also a spell in which anyone of the audience that felt offended by the play will remember it just as a dream.
Personal Notes and Reactions
The play has many aspects that can be highlighted in my opinion, first of all, the connection that is engaged with the Greek mythology is very good, how Shakespeare uses historical characters to build his own play, using some themes or elements in order to create different aspects of the play, for example, love, as he uses the same relations of Greek mythology, and these relations have a key role in the play, as some people say that Shakespeare uses the dark side of love in the play, along with his difficulties. In other hand, there are some things that are important in the play, like the feminism and the ambiguous sexuality of some characters. Finally, the relationships between fantasy and reality and between environment and experience is very important in the play and it is very well developed.
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Analizing literature activity
1. What story does Enfield tell when he and Utterson pass the door? What does hearing
the story cause Utterson to do?
2. After their meeting, what do Enfield and Utterson both suspect about the relationship
between Jekyll and Hyde? What evidence does the text give for this suspicion?
3. What two pieces of information does Utterson learn about Hyde’s letter to Jekyll? What do you predict that Utterson will do to help his old friend, who he suspects is in serious trouble? Justify your answer on the basis of evidence from the text
Critical thinking:
All of the characters in the story who see Hyde comment about how uncomfortable his
appearance makes them feel. In your opinion, how might Hyde’s looks be a symbol of
something else? Why would this make people feel uncomfortable? Explain.
the story cause Utterson to do?
2. After their meeting, what do Enfield and Utterson both suspect about the relationship
between Jekyll and Hyde? What evidence does the text give for this suspicion?
3. What two pieces of information does Utterson learn about Hyde’s letter to Jekyll? What do you predict that Utterson will do to help his old friend, who he suspects is in serious trouble? Justify your answer on the basis of evidence from the text
Critical thinking:
All of the characters in the story who see Hyde comment about how uncomfortable his
appearance makes them feel. In your opinion, how might Hyde’s looks be a symbol of
something else? Why would this make people feel uncomfortable? Explain.
Friday, 29 June 2012
Filming and editing analysis
To start off, it's important to introduce filming and editing, there are some techniques that are used in news reports or different television programs used to capture people attention, this way, people get more interested on watching these programs, almost every recording is filmed and then edited to achieve a certain effect on people to make the television program or news report more profitable, this techniques go from the angle used in the recording to the audio settings. Up next, I will compare these filming and edition techniques on a 24-hour news program with a prime time one. Also, in addition to filming and editing techniques the news programs and television shows can include some Bias in them, to cause a even bigger impact to the viewers, there are different types of bias, these ones are: personalization, dramatization, fragmentation and authority-disorder. I will evidenciate the differences between a prime time and a 24-hour news program through a comparation using the previous mentiones elements.
In the prime time news program, that was taken from ABC and it is about the state of emergency declared in Florida, USA, the most used shot in the recording is the medium shot, that is used to ground the story, it is possible to appreciate a long shot while the water tornado is being recording and a close up when a woman that was interviewed is focused. In the other hand, the 24-hour news program was taken from FOX and it is about drugs in USA, the main shot is also medium shot, it is used in almost all the recording, but it is possible to appreciate a long shot while the boat that has the drugs is shown, and a close up when the drugs carried by the marines are focused. The medium shot is the most used shot in the television and it is clearly seen here also.
In terms of camera angles, it is possible to appreciate in both cases almost all the time an eye level camera angle, this is because as it is the most natural angle to see, it's the most used. It's possible to see in both cases some few parts with high angle, in the prime time one when a recording of a rescate is shown and in the 24-hour when the boat with the drugs is shown, the high angle is mainly used to make the subject look smaller than the real size, giving him an aspect of "weakness".
It is important to mention the camera movements in both news programs, in the prime time it's mainly pan, that is one of the most common ones, it consists on a stationaty camera that moves freely on a horizontal axis, it is also posible to notice zoom in the recording, for example when showing the water tornado, this is used to reveal the movement of the tornado. In the 24-hour video, it is possible to see pan and zoom also mainly, being pan the most used one also, the difference is that in this news report, it is possible to see a tracking camera, that is also called dolly, this can be seen when a camera mounted on a helicopter shows the boat that carried the drugs, the tracking camera, as the name says, it's a camera that "tracks" the movement of the action, the camera moves with the action of the subject.
To continue, Lighting effects are also a big part of what is considered as the visual grammar of the films, it is important to say that in the prime time video, there is a a front or back lightning with the news interlocutor, this is a soft light in the face of the subject or from the back of him, this is used to create a halo effect on the actor. It is possible to see a low key on a scene where a recording of a rescate is shown, this can be used as a suspicious effect. The 24-hour show present us a high key effect, this is because the scene is a very open-looking one, the full recording is full of light and the images are very clear, this makes a very bright video.
There isn't a big ammount of editing techniques in both videos, but in the prime time there is a Wipe when a new image wipes the previous one. Then, at the 24-hour show, it is possible to appreciate shot-reverse shot in more than one time, this happens for example when the interview with the marine is shown, then the video focus on the drugs and then they focus the marine again, this technique is used mainly for conversations, just like this video.
As there is no intention to create a different effect on the videos apart from showing the things as they really are, and facts need to be the most veridical possible, the sound is diegetic, this sound is the real audio without any modification, there is no sound effects or background music in the video.
In terms of media bias, there is not much to say, because there are almost no bias in either video, the prime time doesn't present us any, and in the the 24-hour video, the only bias is the personalization, a personalization in when the news stories focus more in individuals instead of institutions, the reason why this is made is to make stories more personal, direct and inmediate. Fox in known because normally their videos or news programs are biased, and this was not the exception, as the 24-hour video is taken from there, in normal cases, bias are used to push an specific point of view of some news.
To conclude this analysis,it is important to say that there are clear differences between a 24-hour news and a prime time one, mainly in the way of presenting the relevant information, the 24-hour news are considered to be more difficult than prime time ones in terms of editing them. There are many different effects that can be used in the news to create a different feeling on the people, these effects are mainly the ones described before, the most important thing in news is keeping people attention through all the news, and this effects or bias help while doing this.
News links:
Prime-time (ABC):
24-Hour (FOX):
In the prime time news program, that was taken from ABC and it is about the state of emergency declared in Florida, USA, the most used shot in the recording is the medium shot, that is used to ground the story, it is possible to appreciate a long shot while the water tornado is being recording and a close up when a woman that was interviewed is focused. In the other hand, the 24-hour news program was taken from FOX and it is about drugs in USA, the main shot is also medium shot, it is used in almost all the recording, but it is possible to appreciate a long shot while the boat that has the drugs is shown, and a close up when the drugs carried by the marines are focused. The medium shot is the most used shot in the television and it is clearly seen here also.
In terms of camera angles, it is possible to appreciate in both cases almost all the time an eye level camera angle, this is because as it is the most natural angle to see, it's the most used. It's possible to see in both cases some few parts with high angle, in the prime time one when a recording of a rescate is shown and in the 24-hour when the boat with the drugs is shown, the high angle is mainly used to make the subject look smaller than the real size, giving him an aspect of "weakness".
It is important to mention the camera movements in both news programs, in the prime time it's mainly pan, that is one of the most common ones, it consists on a stationaty camera that moves freely on a horizontal axis, it is also posible to notice zoom in the recording, for example when showing the water tornado, this is used to reveal the movement of the tornado. In the 24-hour video, it is possible to see pan and zoom also mainly, being pan the most used one also, the difference is that in this news report, it is possible to see a tracking camera, that is also called dolly, this can be seen when a camera mounted on a helicopter shows the boat that carried the drugs, the tracking camera, as the name says, it's a camera that "tracks" the movement of the action, the camera moves with the action of the subject.
To continue, Lighting effects are also a big part of what is considered as the visual grammar of the films, it is important to say that in the prime time video, there is a a front or back lightning with the news interlocutor, this is a soft light in the face of the subject or from the back of him, this is used to create a halo effect on the actor. It is possible to see a low key on a scene where a recording of a rescate is shown, this can be used as a suspicious effect. The 24-hour show present us a high key effect, this is because the scene is a very open-looking one, the full recording is full of light and the images are very clear, this makes a very bright video.
There isn't a big ammount of editing techniques in both videos, but in the prime time there is a Wipe when a new image wipes the previous one. Then, at the 24-hour show, it is possible to appreciate shot-reverse shot in more than one time, this happens for example when the interview with the marine is shown, then the video focus on the drugs and then they focus the marine again, this technique is used mainly for conversations, just like this video.
As there is no intention to create a different effect on the videos apart from showing the things as they really are, and facts need to be the most veridical possible, the sound is diegetic, this sound is the real audio without any modification, there is no sound effects or background music in the video.
In terms of media bias, there is not much to say, because there are almost no bias in either video, the prime time doesn't present us any, and in the the 24-hour video, the only bias is the personalization, a personalization in when the news stories focus more in individuals instead of institutions, the reason why this is made is to make stories more personal, direct and inmediate. Fox in known because normally their videos or news programs are biased, and this was not the exception, as the 24-hour video is taken from there, in normal cases, bias are used to push an specific point of view of some news.
To conclude this analysis,it is important to say that there are clear differences between a 24-hour news and a prime time one, mainly in the way of presenting the relevant information, the 24-hour news are considered to be more difficult than prime time ones in terms of editing them. There are many different effects that can be used in the news to create a different feeling on the people, these effects are mainly the ones described before, the most important thing in news is keeping people attention through all the news, and this effects or bias help while doing this.
News links:
Prime-time (ABC):
24-Hour (FOX):
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Ad analysis

This is one of the most used advertisement by Coke, and it is a very striking one, first off because of the colors used in it, as they are very bright and there are many different colors, another important thing of the ad is the phrase "The Coke side of life", because it gives to buyer or the people an image of a good feeling when a Coke is opened or drank. the position of the bottle in the ad is also important, as it is centralized, this is made to emphasize that the Coke is the most important thing in the ad. This elements are the ones that call the attention of the people to buy a Coke.
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Chapter 2 (Neuweiler - Leyton - Jander)
1) What characters are introduced?
The Fleischmanns, the two Annamarie's friends and the Steiners.
2) Choose two characters and select a quote to describe them physically or psychologically.
Uncle Lajos: "We must accept God's ordinances in regard to us, at which she held her tounge".
So it is deduced that Lajos is a very religious person, one that handles Hebrew well.
Annamarie's friend: "We Jews are different from other people".
This quote gives a psychological profile of the character, one that realized that Jews were being excluded from society; so this character is a melancholi, realistic one.
3) What is the narrative technique? Provide evidence.
The narrator is in first person, and it is a protagonist narrator too: all the book is told in the perspective of George Koves. "This evening I was with her in the other room to look..." (Page 33)
4) Describe the setting of this chapter.
The setting is: Csespel, George's city of origin: Budapest (in which we can find his house and Annamarie's). The season was Summer. It was in the middle of WWII.
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Refugee blues
As you read in the introduction, the poem was written half a year before the outbreak of World War II. However, the reader can pinpoint the three major protagonists whose paths will cross tragically in the course of the war.
Complete the following sentences:
The victims are the Jews, clearly.
The perpetrators are the Nazis with the followers of the ideology/movement.
The bystanders are the rest of Europe, rest of Germany specially
What particular factors led an individual to be defined as belonging to this or that group?
Jews were murdered because they wern't part of the "Aryan race", this was the "perfect" race, that was the one the Nazis wanted to mantain. To be killed by the Nazis you also could be a black person or an homosexual. There was nothing to do if you were part of a group that was discriminated by the Nazis.
Of the three groups, which was the largest? Is their any connection between your answer and the term ‘The Silent Majority’?
The largest of these groups were the civilians or bystanders. The connection with the term "The Silent Majority" is direct, as they were "The Silent Majority", because eventhough they knew exactly what was happening, they didn't do anything to prevent the genocide applied to the million Jews during Second World War.
What possible relationships could have developed between the victims and the bystanders?
The relationships between the bystanders and the victims was really important, many times it was a thing of life and death, as Jews could be helped by the bystanders by being hidden on some place gaven by the civilians, along with food, clothes and other things. On the other side, Jews were many times betrayed by the bystanders, as they told the Nazis they had contact with Jews or something similar, this was, Jews were just murdered because of the bystanders.
Auden presents different situations in which prohibitions against the victims multiply and effectively turn them into refugees. Identify and list some of these prohibitions. What does it mean to have these things taken away from you?
Jews wern't free people during the Holocaust, many privileges were taken away just because they were Jews, and they had nothing to do against this, because they were going to be pursued by the German army and by consecuence, they were going to be taken to concentration camps. They couldn't go to any other place.
State bureaucracies are crucial in the lives of ordinary citizens, not to mention threatened population groups like the homeless or people evicted from their homes. Identify the different functionaries or objects that represent bureaucracies for Auden.
People who lived in mansions, the yew, the consul, the committee, the speaker of the public meeting, the birds, the buildings, the fish, the soldiers.
In your opinion, who is a refugee? Can one become a refugee in one’s own home?
A refugee is somebody that doesn't have a place in his own country or surroundings, just like Jews during the Holocaust, society didn't accepted them, they were not free. Yes, you can be a refugee in your own home, just like Jews were pursued in their own places.
How can state bureaucracies help refugees or hinder efforts to help?
State bureaucracies can help in some ways refugees, by the creation of laws that can help refugees with work, food or important needs in order to survive. They also can help by integrating them on any way to the society, in the end, a sense of protection.
In your opinion, should governments today have the responsibility to take care of refugees in their country?
Alternatively, what is the role of society in absorbing refugees? Think of schools, sports clubs, the scout movement and other organizations in your country.
Absolutely yes, refugees can't be hidden by the government, they deserve a chance of a better life, refugees aren't good for any country in order to grow, in order to grow, countries need a free society with people working on a decent way, not with a miserable life.
The role of society can be determinant on absorbing refugees, as they may help on a very good way, but the big majority helps in nothing, nobody likes a place with refugees, but also nobody does anything to take them out of his miserable life and give them a new opportinity.
Complete the following sentences:
The victims are the Jews, clearly.
The perpetrators are the Nazis with the followers of the ideology/movement.
The bystanders are the rest of Europe, rest of Germany specially
What particular factors led an individual to be defined as belonging to this or that group?
Jews were murdered because they wern't part of the "Aryan race", this was the "perfect" race, that was the one the Nazis wanted to mantain. To be killed by the Nazis you also could be a black person or an homosexual. There was nothing to do if you were part of a group that was discriminated by the Nazis.
Of the three groups, which was the largest? Is their any connection between your answer and the term ‘The Silent Majority’?
The largest of these groups were the civilians or bystanders. The connection with the term "The Silent Majority" is direct, as they were "The Silent Majority", because eventhough they knew exactly what was happening, they didn't do anything to prevent the genocide applied to the million Jews during Second World War.
What possible relationships could have developed between the victims and the bystanders?
The relationships between the bystanders and the victims was really important, many times it was a thing of life and death, as Jews could be helped by the bystanders by being hidden on some place gaven by the civilians, along with food, clothes and other things. On the other side, Jews were many times betrayed by the bystanders, as they told the Nazis they had contact with Jews or something similar, this was, Jews were just murdered because of the bystanders.
Auden presents different situations in which prohibitions against the victims multiply and effectively turn them into refugees. Identify and list some of these prohibitions. What does it mean to have these things taken away from you?
Jews wern't free people during the Holocaust, many privileges were taken away just because they were Jews, and they had nothing to do against this, because they were going to be pursued by the German army and by consecuence, they were going to be taken to concentration camps. They couldn't go to any other place.
State bureaucracies are crucial in the lives of ordinary citizens, not to mention threatened population groups like the homeless or people evicted from their homes. Identify the different functionaries or objects that represent bureaucracies for Auden.
People who lived in mansions, the yew, the consul, the committee, the speaker of the public meeting, the birds, the buildings, the fish, the soldiers.
In your opinion, who is a refugee? Can one become a refugee in one’s own home?
A refugee is somebody that doesn't have a place in his own country or surroundings, just like Jews during the Holocaust, society didn't accepted them, they were not free. Yes, you can be a refugee in your own home, just like Jews were pursued in their own places.
How can state bureaucracies help refugees or hinder efforts to help?
State bureaucracies can help in some ways refugees, by the creation of laws that can help refugees with work, food or important needs in order to survive. They also can help by integrating them on any way to the society, in the end, a sense of protection.
In your opinion, should governments today have the responsibility to take care of refugees in their country?
Alternatively, what is the role of society in absorbing refugees? Think of schools, sports clubs, the scout movement and other organizations in your country.
Absolutely yes, refugees can't be hidden by the government, they deserve a chance of a better life, refugees aren't good for any country in order to grow, in order to grow, countries need a free society with people working on a decent way, not with a miserable life.
The role of society can be determinant on absorbing refugees, as they may help on a very good way, but the big majority helps in nothing, nobody likes a place with refugees, but also nobody does anything to take them out of his miserable life and give them a new opportinity.
Oral activity
The oral activity I had to do was about chapter 7, and I mixed elements from chapter 7 with elements of the Second World War, this way we were able to contextualize what was happening in the historical time compared to the novel, using quotes from the chapter.
Well, to start, in chapter 7, Georg tells the readers about Buchenwald concentration camp, how it was like, the quote "Cold, damp, wind, or rain were no longer able to bother me, they did not get through to me, I did not even sense them" tells us more or less everything was happening with the protagonist in that moment, even though he suffered inhumanly because of the Nazis, he couldn't feel anything now, because he already suffered everything he could. Buchenwald was the "least worst" camp Georg was(Others were Auschwitz and Zeits), as there he had hot water, better food compared to the other camps and he was treated on a better way.
It is necessary to describe what what the Holocaust, because all the things that happened in the book were during that period, the Holocaust was the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II, a programme of systematic state-sponsored murder by Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, throughout Nazi-occupied territory.
As a summary, Jews were treated horribly just because they weren't part of the denominated "Aryan race", but the truth is that they were great for bussiness and hard workers, and they were getting more power slowly in Deutschland. This is the context of what was happening during the novel, and its important to say that it is a semi-autobiographic novel, this means that the author, Imre Kertesz, suffered some of the things that happen in the novel.
Well, to start, in chapter 7, Georg tells the readers about Buchenwald concentration camp, how it was like, the quote "Cold, damp, wind, or rain were no longer able to bother me, they did not get through to me, I did not even sense them" tells us more or less everything was happening with the protagonist in that moment, even though he suffered inhumanly because of the Nazis, he couldn't feel anything now, because he already suffered everything he could. Buchenwald was the "least worst" camp Georg was(Others were Auschwitz and Zeits), as there he had hot water, better food compared to the other camps and he was treated on a better way.
It is necessary to describe what what the Holocaust, because all the things that happened in the book were during that period, the Holocaust was the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II, a programme of systematic state-sponsored murder by Nazi Germany, led by Adolf Hitler, throughout Nazi-occupied territory.
As a summary, Jews were treated horribly just because they weren't part of the denominated "Aryan race", but the truth is that they were great for bussiness and hard workers, and they were getting more power slowly in Deutschland. This is the context of what was happening during the novel, and its important to say that it is a semi-autobiographic novel, this means that the author, Imre Kertesz, suffered some of the things that happen in the novel.
Nazi propaganda
What political message(s) are these pictures trying to convey?
Mainly, the Nazi propaganda were to spread the ideology of the Reich, they were used to persuade the German population to be part of the Nazi movement, these images gaved them a good image of the Nazi's, this also shows the kind of leader that Hitler is, charismatic(able to persuade and a good leader, that represented eveybody) and an influencing leader among his people.
What image of Germans are these pictures trying to convey?
An image of a charismatic and powerful leader that was able to guide the full country into prosperity
How do they portray this image?
Using an image of a powerful leader and using also a lot of symbolisms, for example a growing nation, represented by seeds, or the whole nation, represented by the Nazi flag, there was a Nazi symbol in every part of the cities.
What colors are used?
Bright colors for the things related with the Nazi ideology or his leader. Dark colors for the enemy related stuff and for Jews.
How do the people look?
Nazi militaries look serious and straight. German people(always represented by a person considered Aryan) looked happy and joyful. Jews looked sad.
What characteristics of these men are similar?
Everybody look serious, but also satisfied with the government of Hitler, convinced.
How do the artists convey these characteristics?
Nazis were very clever in terms of propaganda, they used a lot of different colors, the ones that were most accurate for the situation, also the emotions that transmitted the image of the propaganda was really important.
Friday, 13 April 2012
Fatelessness chapter 7 summary.

In this chapter, the protagonists tell us about Buchenwald concentration camp, what are his feelings, emotions, and thoughts about his experience in this conentration camp. Basically he is not feeling anything, he says that "Cold, damp, wind, or rain were no longer able to bother me, they did not get through to me, I did not even sense them." This can be explained because he suffered too much before to sense anything now, he already felt everything he could have felt to feel anything now, he also states that he found peace and tranquility inside the camp, reffering that what he is living inside the concentration camp is much better than what he lived outside of it. He also explains that the smell of quimicals can be smelled in some tubes and parts of the camp, he talks about the ways jews die inside the camp, that there are many ways to die. He talks that people inside the camp have a lot of injuries, broken arms, legs, amputation of some parts of the body, etc., because they were treated very bad.
To finish the chapter, the proteganist says a really ironic and important thing, that is "I could not fail to recognize within myself the furtive and yet-ashamed as it might be, so to say, of its irrationality-increasingly insistent voice of some muffled craving of sorts: I would like to like to live a little bit longer in this beautiful concentration camp". This quote explains more or lees everything the protegonist feels, it means that eventhough he is suffering and treated bad, eating almost nothing, and in the end living in very poor conditions, sometimes he thinks that he still want to live, in the concentration camp, a little longer, because as he stated before he doesn't feels anything.
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