To start off, it's important to introduce filming and editing, there are some techniques that are used in news reports or different television programs used to capture people attention, this way, people get more interested on watching these programs, almost every recording is filmed and then edited to achieve a certain effect on people to make the television program or news report more profitable, this techniques go from the angle used in the recording to the audio settings. Up next, I will compare these filming and edition techniques on a 24-hour news program with a prime time one. Also, in addition to filming and editing techniques the news programs and television shows can include some Bias in them, to cause a even bigger impact to the viewers, there are different types of bias, these ones are: personalization, dramatization, fragmentation and authority-disorder. I will evidenciate the differences between a prime time and a 24-hour news program through a comparation using the previous mentiones elements.
In the prime time news program, that was taken from ABC and it is about the state of emergency declared in Florida, USA, the most used shot in the recording is the medium shot, that is used to ground the story, it is possible to appreciate a long shot while the water tornado is being recording and a close up when a woman that was interviewed is focused. In the other hand, the 24-hour news program was taken from FOX and it is about drugs in USA, the main shot is also medium shot, it is used in almost all the recording, but it is possible to appreciate a long shot while the boat that has the drugs is shown, and a close up when the drugs carried by the marines are focused. The medium shot is the most used shot in the television and it is clearly seen here also.
In terms of camera angles, it is possible to appreciate in both cases almost all the time an eye level camera angle, this is because as it is the most natural angle to see, it's the most used. It's possible to see in both cases some few parts with high angle, in the prime time one when a recording of a rescate is shown and in the 24-hour when the boat with the drugs is shown, the high angle is mainly used to make the subject look smaller than the real size, giving him an aspect of "weakness".
It is important to mention the camera movements in both news programs, in the prime time it's mainly pan, that is one of the most common ones, it consists on a stationaty camera that moves freely on a horizontal axis, it is also posible to notice zoom in the recording, for example when showing the water tornado, this is used to reveal the movement of the tornado. In the 24-hour video, it is possible to see pan and zoom also mainly, being pan the most used one also, the difference is that in this news report, it is possible to see a tracking camera, that is also called dolly, this can be seen when a camera mounted on a helicopter shows the boat that carried the drugs, the tracking camera, as the name says, it's a camera that "tracks" the movement of the action, the camera moves with the action of the subject.
To continue, Lighting effects are also a big part of what is considered as the visual grammar of the films, it is important to say that in the prime time video, there is a a front or back lightning with the news interlocutor, this is a soft light in the face of the subject or from the back of him, this is used to create a halo effect on the actor. It is possible to see a low key on a scene where a recording of a rescate is shown, this can be used as a suspicious effect. The 24-hour show present us a high key effect, this is because the scene is a very open-looking one, the full recording is full of light and the images are very clear, this makes a very bright video.
There isn't a big ammount of editing techniques in both videos, but in the prime time there is a Wipe when a new image wipes the previous one. Then, at the 24-hour show, it is possible to appreciate shot-reverse shot in more than one time, this happens for example when the interview with the marine is shown, then the video focus on the drugs and then they focus the marine again, this technique is used mainly for conversations, just like this video.
As there is no intention to create a different effect on the videos apart from showing the things as they really are, and facts need to be the most veridical possible, the sound is diegetic, this sound is the real audio without any modification, there is no sound effects or background music in the video.
In terms of media bias, there is not much to say, because there are almost no bias in either video, the prime time doesn't present us any, and in the the 24-hour video, the only bias is the personalization, a personalization in when the news stories focus more in individuals instead of institutions, the reason why this is made is to make stories more personal, direct and inmediate. Fox in known because normally their videos or news programs are biased, and this was not the exception, as the 24-hour video is taken from there, in normal cases, bias are used to push an specific point of view of some news.
To conclude this analysis,it is important to say that there are clear differences between a 24-hour news and a prime time one, mainly in the way of presenting the relevant information, the 24-hour news are considered to be more difficult than prime time ones in terms of editing them. There are many different effects that can be used in the news to create a different feeling on the people, these effects are mainly the ones described before, the most important thing in news is keeping people attention through all the news, and this effects or bias help while doing this.
News links:
Prime-time (ABC):
24-Hour (FOX):
Friday, 29 June 2012
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Ad analysis

This is one of the most used advertisement by Coke, and it is a very striking one, first off because of the colors used in it, as they are very bright and there are many different colors, another important thing of the ad is the phrase "The Coke side of life", because it gives to buyer or the people an image of a good feeling when a Coke is opened or drank. the position of the bottle in the ad is also important, as it is centralized, this is made to emphasize that the Coke is the most important thing in the ad. This elements are the ones that call the attention of the people to buy a Coke.
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Chapter 2 (Neuweiler - Leyton - Jander)
1) What characters are introduced?
The Fleischmanns, the two Annamarie's friends and the Steiners.
2) Choose two characters and select a quote to describe them physically or psychologically.
Uncle Lajos: "We must accept God's ordinances in regard to us, at which she held her tounge".
So it is deduced that Lajos is a very religious person, one that handles Hebrew well.
Annamarie's friend: "We Jews are different from other people".
This quote gives a psychological profile of the character, one that realized that Jews were being excluded from society; so this character is a melancholi, realistic one.
3) What is the narrative technique? Provide evidence.
The narrator is in first person, and it is a protagonist narrator too: all the book is told in the perspective of George Koves. "This evening I was with her in the other room to look..." (Page 33)
4) Describe the setting of this chapter.
The setting is: Csespel, George's city of origin: Budapest (in which we can find his house and Annamarie's). The season was Summer. It was in the middle of WWII.
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